Hello all and Happy Easter! What a beautiful, wonderful day
it has been to reflect upon and remember the events that took place nearly two
thousand years ago on this day -- events that forever changed the course of human
existence and defied the previously insurmountable challenges of sin and death.
This past week I have enjoyed watching the Prince of Peace videos the Church
released for Easter this year and reading the accompanying scriptures that go
with them. The verse correlated with the faith video particularly struck me.
Mark 5:36 says, “As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto
the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe”. What a powerful, moving
verse with such a simple yet stirring message. The Savior’s words “Be not
afraid, only believe” can be applied to any facet of life. These should be the
words that constitute our form of living every day. Life is full of
uncertainty, doubt, and even fear at times. The power of believing in something
unseen but undoubtedly, irrefutably true -- the power of faith and hope -- dispels
these awful feelings and provides the courage necessary to live day by day.
Believing in Christ changes one’s perspectives, attitudes, and choices. Heartache
turns into hope, water into wine, the ordinary into the extraordinary, and
despair into determination. I love my Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ. I know
that He lives. Because of Him we can become better. Because of Him we can see
those whom we love again after this life. Because of Him our imperfections,
both physical and spiritual, can be made whole and perfect. I know that He
conquered death and sin willingly so that we might not have to pay the price if
we will turn to Him and believe on His name. It is not meant to be easy, but small
daily decisions such as scripture study, prayer, and service strengthen our
faith. What once was a belief becomes undeniable knowledge and reassurance. I
wish you all a wonderful start to your week and remember that with Christ at
your side, all things are possible.
I am currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Mexico City Southeast Mission.
Hermana Jones

Monday, April 17, 2017
Monday, April 10, 2017
Kindness is an incredibly important, desirable attribute to
develop. It heals wounds and binds broken lives, builds trust and strengthens
friendships. Unfortunately, kindness is often overlooked, forgotten, and
dismissed as something of little importance or value. It can be mistaken as
weakness or allowing others to take advantage of us. This is simply not true.
This week I was reminded of the power of kindness and the effect it has upon
other people. While reading in Alma 20 about Lamoni and Ammon’s encounter with
the Lamanite king (Lamoni’s father), I was impressed by the king’s reaction to
Ammon’s desire that Lamoni be permitted to retain his kingdom and that his
brothers be set free from prison. Verses 26-27 say, “And when he [the king] saw
that Ammon had no desire to destroy him, and when he also saw the great love he
had for his son Lamoni, he was astonished exceedingly, and said: Because this
is all that thou hast desired, that I would release thy brethren, and suffer
that my son Lamoni should retain his kingdom, behold, I will grant unto you
that my son may retain his kingdom from this time and forever; and I will
govern him no more -- And I will also grant unto thee that thy brethren may be
cast out of prison, and thou and thy brethren may come unto me, in my kingdom;
for I shall greatly desire to see thee. For the king was astonished at the
words which he had spoken, and also at the words which had been spoken by his
son Lamoni, therefore he was desirous to learn them.” The kindness and love
shown by Ammon to both the king and Lamoni softened the Lamanite king’s heart
to hearing more and learning about the gospel. It opened his eyes to a new way
of life and changed his perspective about an entire group of people- the
Nephites. This story is a reminder to all of us that kindness speaks just as
loudly as words. It is important that we treat everyone we come in contact with
kindly and respectfully. We never know what effect a kind word or deed will
have on a person and how it may change their life. I know that as we strive to
be kind like the Savior, more of our brothers and sisters will brought to the
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Follow the Prophet
It is that wonderful time of year again -- General
Conference. This is a time of reflection, questions, pondering, receiving
answers, praying, and sustaining our Church leaders -- men who are called of God
and have the divine authority to receive revelation for the entire world and
speak on behalf of the Lord. It is a comfort to know that God reveals His
gospel in every dispensation. One example of this that I love is found in Alma
19 when King Lamoni’s wife calls upon Ammon for his help and council. The queen
was faced with a serious problem but turned in faith to a leader. Verse 4 says,
“And she said unto him: The servants of my husband have made it known unto me
that thou art a prophet of a holy God, and that thou hast power to do many
mighty works in his name”. Later, in verse 9, she says, “I have had no witness
save thy word, and the word of our servants; nevertheless I believe that it
shall be according as thou hast said”. The queen’s faith is absolutely
incredible in this story. Without personally knowing Ammon, a prophet, or
having been exposed to the gospel before, she trusted in what he prophesied and
chose to believe. Because of this faith, Ammon’s words came to pass. There will
be times when the Lord’s servants give us counsel during General Conference
that we may not understand but if we trust in them, things will work out
for our good and we will be blessed. These are men called by God to warn and
watch out for us. There words will always be fulfilled but it is up to us to
heed their messages and act in faith.
Monday, March 27, 2017
My Brother's Mission Call
This past week a very exciting event occurred in my
family -- my younger brother received his mission call! He has been assigned to
labor as a full-time missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires West Mission and
will report to the Argentina Missionary Training Center on July.
It was a beautiful experience watching my brother open something so precious
and significant that has come to him through divine authority and revelation.
Watching him open his call took me back to a day a little over two years ago
when I opened my mission call to serve in Mexico City. At that time I had no
idea just what I would experience and encounter during those eighteen months.
My brother has no clue of what the next two years of his life have in store for
him. The mission is an exciting but somewhat daunting task, bringing with it
much uncertainty and nervousness. A few scriptures I read this past week
brought me much peace and understanding that I was able to convey to my
brother. I was reading in Alma 16 and 17 about Alma, Amulek, and the sons of
Mosiah. Each of these valiant men left their homelands to enter strange places
and share the gospel of Christ with hard-hearted, ferocious people (Alma
17:14). Indeed, “great was the work which they had undertaken” (Alma 17:13);
however, because of their fasts, prayers, diligent study, and faith, they
served as “instrument[s] in the hands of God to bring, if it were possible,
their brethren, the Lamanites, to the knowledge of the truth” (Alma 17:9). I
love the following verse which says, “And it came to pass that the Lord did
visit them with his Spirit, and said unto them: Be comforted. And they were
comforted” (Alma 17:10). I know that the Lord protects and blesses His servants
who are on His errand. He gives them far more capacity to accomplish His work
than what they would be able to do alone. He prepares His people to receive and
accept the word. Alma 16:16 says, “the Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the
face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of men, or to prepare
their hearts to receive the word which should be taught among them at the time
of his coming”. I know that the Lord is preparing people in Argentina whose
lives will touched by my brother’s consecrated service and who will forever
change my brother’s life for good because of their love and faithfulness. This
is the greatest work upon the earth. It is a wonderful time to be a disciple of
Christ and to share His restored gospel. I know that as we put our trust in the
Lord and live His gospel that He will guide and protect us as well, using us as
His instruments.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Faith for the Future
This past week I was reminded of a simple truth- that
of having a consistent attitude of finding joy in the journey. One particular
story I read during my personal scripture study throughout the week served to
bring this to my mind and heart. Ammon’s experience of separating from his
brethren and going into unknown territory to teach the Lamanites, found in Alma
17, is a perfect example of this. Ammon had every reason to be stressed,
scared, uncertain, and nervous. He was about to face a bloodthirsty people who
had been an enemy to the Nephites for years. He was a convert to Christ’s
gospel himself. He was alone and knew no one in this land, and yet through it
all, Ammon was faithful and relied on the Spirit’s guidance. After being
captured and thrown before King Lamoni, faced with the possibility of death,
Ammon simply stated in verse 23, “Yea, I desire to dwell among this people for
a time; yea, and perhaps until the day I die”. This response pleased the king
and provided Ammon with the opportunity to serve him and be an example to the
king’s other servants. When faced by an onslaught of robbers in the fields,
Ammon’s “heart was swollen within him with joy; for, said he, I will show forth
my power unto these my fellow-servants, or the power which is in me, in
restoring these flocks unto the king, that I may win the hearts of these my fellow-servants,
that I may lead them to believe in my words” (Alma 17:29). Rather than losing
hope and being overcome with fear about the dangerous future, Alma took courage
and exercised faith in the Savior. He saw an opportunity to turn a trial into a
blessing and took it. This is a wonderful reminder to me that life is to be
enjoyed and that faith should always be greater than fear. The two cannot dwell
within the same heart. Though life may bring trials and uncertainties, having a
positive attitude and a deep, abiding love for the Savior can transform these
situations into blessings.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Faith and Consecrated Offerings
The miracle of the gospel is the power of the
Atonement to complete, amplify, and polish our daily efforts. I was reminded of
this while reading in Matthew 14 from the New Testament in class this past
week. A huge multitude of people was gathered together to hear the Savior speak.
Upon finishing the sermon, the apostles were ready to send the people away to
eat (verse 15). Verse 16 says, “But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart;
give ye them to eat”. This is a beautiful passage of scripture. The Good
Shephard will never turn anyone away. He invites all to come unto Him and to be
filled. Such is the case in this chapter. After the apostles informed Him that
there were only five loaves and two fishes available, Jesus simply told them to
bring the food to Him. He then “commanded the multitude to sit down on the
grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven,
he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples
to the multitude. And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of
the fragments that remained twelve baskets full” (Matthew 14: 19-20). More than
five thousand people were filled that day through the power of the Savior. It
is important to first acknowledge that one person- a young lad amongst the
crowd -- was willing to give up the only food he had in order to feed thousands
of people. This act required significant faith. This faith and consecrated
sacrifice was sufficient for the Lord to magnify the food offered that day and
stretch it beyond its normal capacity. When we act in faith and place an
offering on the altar of God, we will always walk away better than when we
arrived. Our actions and efforts to live the gospel may not always seem
adequate, but when coupled with the Atonement these efforts turn into
faith-infused strength and heaven-sent power. I know that as we strive to keep
the commandments, live the gospel teachings, and exercise faith in doing what
the Lord asks of us, then He will amplify and perfect our lives, so much so
that they overflow with blessings.
Monday, March 6, 2017
The Enabling Power of the Atonement
Over the past two years, I have grown to truly love and
treasure the Atonement of Christ. I have come to better understand what it
means to me and what it does for me personally, as well as for the people in my
life. There are infinite blessings that come from this infinite offering of
love made possible by the Savior. Two scriptural accounts in particular have
taught me about the enabling power of the Atonement this past week.
The first is found in Matthew 14 of the New Testament
when Peter walked on water during a fierce storm towards Jesus. At first he was
able to maintain balance upon the waves because he kept his sight on Christ; as
soon as he allowed the potential danger of his situation surrounding him to
fill him with fear, he began to drown. It was in this moment that “immediately
Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him” (verse 31). Then Jesus uttered
these unexpected words, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”
When reading this at first, it is easy to jump to conclusions and think that
maybe Christ was being a little harsh in saying this to Peter; however, there
is a valuable lesson to be learned here. Our growth and progression as children
of God in a difficult, imperfect world is much more important to the Savior
than living a pain-free, blissful existence all our lives. He requires us to
rely on faith and leave our comfort zones from time to time in order to become
more like Him.
This was the case for Alma and Amulek in Alma 14 of the Book
of Mormon when teaching in the land of Ammonihah. They witnessed the death of
hundreds of innocent people and were cast into prison for the things they had
preached. During their time in prison, they were mercilessly beaten, hit, spit
upon, starved, mocked, and questioned. They suffered all these things in
silence. Verse 25 says that the lawyers and priests “all went forth and smote
them [Alma and Amulek], saying the same words, even until the last; and when
the last had spoken unto them the power of God was upon Alma and Amulek, and
they rose and stood upon their feet”. I love the symbolism found in this verse.
They had suffered all these things even down to the last hit from the last
person; that was when they found the strength within themselves placed there by
the Lord to rise up from the ground. The Savior, while suffering in the Garden
of Gethsemane, took upon Himself every last sin, every last pain imaginable,
for every last person who ever lived, before rising again to face the next
challenge. Alma and Amulek were able to call upon God and “[break] the cords
with which they were bound” because of their faith in Christ. This faith had
waxed stronger through personally experiencing the enabling power of the Savior
over a long period of time.
I would venture to say that we may be asked to suffer
very difficult, trying experiences for extended periods of time- even until the
last moment when we feel completely spent and hopeless- in order to fully
appreciate the wonders and miracles made possible through the Atonement. Christ
will always extend His hand to us in the storm, help us rise to our feet and
break the cords which bind us, and save us from destruction when we call on His
name and exercise faith in His infinite power. Such times are opportunities for
us to become pure vessels of unshaking faith and trust in the One who loves us
unconditionally and sees our potential to become great.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Thy will.
This past week I was reminded of one of my favorite Bible stories. It is recorded in Matthew 8 of the New Testament. This is the account of a man who was plagued, both physically and emotionally, by the disease of leprosy. He was cast out and rejected by his own people for a disease that was beyond his control. This did not, however, keep the leper from coming unto Christ when He passed through that area of the city. Verse two says, “And, behold, there came a leper and worshiped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean”. Breaking this verse down reveals some insightful doctrine. Rather than demanding to be healed, the leper said these humble words: if thou wilt. This implies that the leper, instead of thinking about only his desires, was prepared to accept the will of the Lord and be healed only if that was the plan. As Elder Bednar would say, he had the faith not to be healed. He also knew that the healing power of Christ was sufficient for him and his particular ailment; it could be used specifically for him. Verse three reads, “And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed”. It did not matter how contagious or sickly or beyond hope and repair that this man was- the Redeemer took no hesitation in coming unto one who had faith to be healed and touching that person. He stooped down to the level of a man doomed to death and loneliness and gave him a second chance at life. Brothers and sisters, family and friends, I know that the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ is for everyone. It is infinite and it is individual. All that is required is faith, humility, and a willingness to change and to act. The Lord’s will is always revealed in His own time but it is never too late to come unto Christ. As the Savior says in Moroni 7:33-34, “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me… Repent all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, and have faith in me, that ye may be saved”. The refining touch of the Master is available to all who believe in the words “if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean”.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Perfection is a Process
One of the easiest traps to fall into as a typical
human being is that of inadequacy and loneliness. This life is full of hard
times coupled with incredibly high expectations; it is more common than not to
feel that sincere efforts are wasted and simply do not measure up or matter
enough. As Exodus 18:18 says, “…for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art
not able to perform it thyself alone.” The key word in this verse is “alone.” It is not possible to do most things alone, but with the help of the Savior and
the enabling power of His infinite atonement, the weight need not be “too
heavy.” God-given potential is, in reality, attainable when faith and trust in
the Lord are part of the process.
The Savior gave the perfect instruction manual to
becoming perfect like Him in two sections of scripture: Matthew 5 of The New
Testament and 3 Nephi 12 of The Book of Mormon. Here he laid out a continuous
stair-step pattern for all of God’s children to follow with the end goal of
becoming a true disciple of Christ. One of the steps that Jesus asks all people
to take is found in verse 6 of Matthew 5, which reads: “Blessed are they which
do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” This
hunger and thirst after righteousness is fueled by a constant effort to become
better, correct everyday mistakes, and do the little things that invite the
Spirit, such as prayer and scripture study. This is a lifelong process that
leads to incredible blessings, such as “being filled.” The diligent efforts to
be good and do good create a filling- the Lord’s love and light fills in the
cracks of doubt and inadequacy. His perfection, or wholeness, is mirrored in
daily attempts to be like Him. He is there every step of the way and His
strength makes up for mortal weakness.
Alma’s prayer in Alma 31 is an inspired example of
relying on His merits; verses 30, 31, and 32 say: “…O Lord, wilt thou give me
strength, that I may bear with mine infirmities. For I am infirm… O Lord, my
heart is exceedingly sorrowful; wilt thou comfort my soul in Christ. O Lord,
wilt thou grant unto me that I may have strength, that I may suffer with
patience these afflictions which shall come upon me… O Lord, wilt thou comfort
my soul, and give unto me success…” I know that Jesus Christ will provide
strength where there is weakness, hope where there is doubt, comfort where
there is affliction, and success where there is failure. His love is complete
and perfect; His desire is that each of us might become a finished and polished
work of art after the molding and creation of His hands. All that is required
is faith and consistent change.
Monday, February 13, 2017
We are children of a loving Heavenly Father
The more I read and study the scriptures, the more convinced
I am of the importance of the truth and understanding that we are children of a
loving Heavenly Father. He is not some abstract being. He is our father who
desires all the best for us. He LOVES us. He KNOWS us. He UNDERSTANDS us. He
FORGIVES us. It is incredibly important that we remember this; such a knowledge
protects us from evil and gives us the strength to withstand temptation. One
example is found in Alma 11. In this chapter, Amulek is offered a considerably
large sum of money by Zeezrom on the condition that he will deny the existence
of such a being. Part of Amulek’s incredible response is found in verse 25,
which reads: “and it was only thy desire that I should deny the true and living
God, that thou mightest have cause to destroy me”. This verse is truly
impactful. Denying the existence of the Father of us all is ultimately and definitely
destructive. One of the enemy’s strongest tools is to confuse us concerning the
relationship we have with God. If he can successfully do that, then he has
begun the process of our destruction in every sense of the word -- temporally,
emotionally, spiritually. The wonderful reality is that we are in control of
whether or not we allow this to happen to us. Like Amulek, we can choose to
believe and even know without a doubt that we are children of God. This is very
empowering. It is as simple as kneeling down and offering a prayer -- I love
knowing that the distance between us and the heavens is only a prayer. He
speaks to us in the still and quiet moments; we just have to be willing to
listen. As Luke 1:37 says, “For with God nothing shall be impossible”. He is on
our side. I encourage all of you to take time to reflect this week on your
relationship with your Heavenly Father. Remember who you are and where you come
from. As Brother Griffin says, “Know that you are loved”. It is a saving truth.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
The Healing Hand
This past week in class we began learning a bit more
about the Four Gospels in “The New Testament”- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John-
in regards to their writing styles, the audiences to whom they were writing and
teaching at the time, their varying relationships with the Savior Jesus Christ
during His earthly ministry, and other such factors that influenced the records
they left behind which we read today in the Bible. While learning about these
four different men, Mark especially captured my attention. He begins writing a
little later (twenty years after the departure of Christ) and starts his
account of the Lord’s ministry with His baptism, continuing from there. He
serves to give a quickly-paced overview of the life of Jesus, hardly stopping
to take pauses and give more explanation. His records were originally meant to
be delivered orally, giving further reason to the running, fluid cadence of his
speech. Brother Griffin, my religion professor, invited the class to experiment
a little by first reading Mark’s account and then speaking it aloud in order to
more fully appreciate this unique style of writing. This invitation, coupled
with a recent invitation and promise given by President Russell M. Nelson in a
Worldwide Young Single Adult Devotional in January that if we were to study the
life and words and character of the Savior that we would have a decreased
desire to disobey and an increased desire to keep the commandments, motivated
me to learn more about Christ by reading the book of Mark. I have thoroughly enjoyed
what I have learned so far and wish to share a small insight with you that had
a great impact on me this week.
In Mark 1, we read about one particular experience in
which the Lord visits the mother-in-law of Simon (Peter- one of the newly
called Twelve Apostles) who lays in sick in bed. Verses 30 through 31 read, “But
Simon’s wife’s mother lay sick of a fever, and anon [immediately] they tell him
of her. And he [Jesus] came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and
immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.” I absolutely
loved these two verses for the powerful, symbolic lesson taught in so few
words. First, the Savior took no hesitation in going to rescue some struggling
soul. This has always been and will always be the case. The Savior comes
running to us when we are in trouble and extends His saving hand to all. In
verse 31, it says that He “took her by the hand, and lifted her up”. This is
very symbolic of the Atonement- the act of love that Christ performed for us by
suffering for our sins and heartaches in Gethsemane, suffering death on the
cross at Calvary, and resurrecting from the tomb on the third day. The
Atonement has the power to lift us in many different ways- physically,
emotionally, mentally, spiritually. The Atonement has given mankind the gift of
resurrection, meaning that every single person in the history of the whole
world will be lifted physically from death and the grave and be lifted to God’s
presence to be judged. The Atonement also lifts us from the dark places of our
lives, whether that be a trial we are passing through or a mistake that ways us
down. When we accept the outstretched hand He extends to us by deciding to
repent, pray, fast, change, and start over, we are lifted.
What follows in this verse is absolutely miraculous;
it reads that “immediately the fever left her”, meaning that she experienced
immediate and complete relief of what she had been going through. Then “she
ministered unto them”, meaning that she was able to impart of the change that
had occurred within her to others around her. The Atonement of Jesus Christ brings
immediate relief. I do not mean to say that all will be resolved the first time
we ask for forgiveness or that a magical wand will suddenly make all our life’s
problems disappear, but every time we choose to follow the Savior and draw
closer to Him, an immediate relief will flow into our lives and there will be a
peace that was not there before. We will feel a difference and be able to minister
unto others, just as the woman in this account did. When we allow the Atonement
to heal us, we are more able to serve those around us and help them to find the
same comfort and saving grace in their lives. We can symbolically become the
hands of the Lord by serving those around us and helping them to apply the
healing power of the Atonement personally. I know that as we strive to come
closer to Him, He will always draw near unto us, heal us, and enable us to
rescue others in need.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Agency, or the ability to choose given to each of us
by our Father in Heaven, is an incredible blessing and gift. It has also become
one of my very most favorite gospel principles to study and learn more about
over the last two years. This past week while studying more about the creation
and our first parents, Adam and Eve, in class at BYU I have been struck yet
again by the importance of this fundamental doctrine of the gospel and how our
Heavenly Father understands its importance as well. Agency has been a part of
God’s plan from the beginning and played a huge role in the Garden of Eden. In
Moses 3:17-18 we read, “And I, the Lord God, commanded the man [Adam], saying,
‘Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, nevertheless, thou mayest choose
for thyself, for it is given unto thee; but, remember that I forbid it, for in
the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die”. God laid out the
commandment and the consequences exactly and explicitly and clearly so that
there would be no misunderstanding; NEVERTHELESS, God also explained very
clearly that it would be their choice whether or not to partake of the fruit.
They were given their agency. That is what put the whole plan into motion. Our
Heavenly Father had enough trust in Adam and Eve to let them make that choice.
He loves all of us as His children to allow us to do the same thing.
Oftentimes, that is incredibly difficult for us to do-
allow those we love to make decisions out of a desire to protect them rather
than give them those opportunities of growth and personal progression. Elder
Richard G. Scott gives wonderful counsel in a General Conference session of
April 2014, “The children of Father in Heaven can do amazing things when they
feel trusted. Every child of God chose the Savior’s plan. Trust that given the
opportunity, they will do so again.” When speaking of his wife, he said, “She
loved me enough to share her conviction and then give me the opportunity to
work out the direction of my own life”. Part of showing our love for others is
protecting their agency. Exercising faith through exercising agency is what
sets forth the path of progression to becoming more like Heavenly Father and
His Son, Jesus Christ.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Love one another.
One of the greatest commandments of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ is the commandment to love one another. There is no better example
of this than Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They love each one of
us with a love so infinite and so perfect that it goes beyond our
comprehension. This love is manifested in many ways -- through guidance given
to us by ancient and modern revelations of the prophets, the creation of the
earth upon which we live, the everlasting sacrifice offered by the Savior to
save the world from sin. There are countless ways in which we experience the
effects of that great commandment to love one another.
Oftentimes, I feel the love of my Father and my Savior
through the acts of others. As children of God, we have the opportunity to show
His love through service and be the answer to someone else’s prayer. This is a
sure outcome when we follow promptings from the Spirit. One of my favorite
examples of this is found in the Book of Mormon in Alma 8 when Alma is
commanded to return to the city of Ammonihah after being rejected and cast out
by the people there. Alma was faithful and obedient to this commandment and
returned speedily to the city by another way, as it says in verse 18. Because
of this, he was met by an equally faithful and obedient man -- Amulek -- who had
followed promptings from the Holy Ghost. This account can be found in Alma
8:18-27. After Alma asks Amulek to receive him into his house, Amulek gives
this reply, “…I know that thou art a holy prophet of God, for thou art the man
whom an angel said in a vision: Thou shalt receive. Therefore, go with me into
my house and I will impart unto thee of my food; and I know that thou wilt be a
blessing unto me and my house”. Amulek had been prepared to answer the prayer
of his fellow man, Alma. Later, Alma blesses Amulek and his household twice
(verses 22 and 26). These two were some of the greatest missionaries found in
the Book of Mormon because of their ability to love others, bring to pass miracles,
and touch lives.
I was reminded of this concept last Friday while
visiting Temple Square in Salt Lake City. There, I met two sister missionaries
from Mexico serving in the Visitors’ Center. It was wonderful speaking with
them and hearing about their experiences. They helped me to remember that the
small, daily acts we do for others, especially when we cannot see the outcome
or “fruits” of those acts, really do mean something and make a difference.
Simply loving others allows us to feel a small part of what our Heavenly Father
and Savior feel for us. This is essential in developing the pure love of Christ
and becoming more like Him. Today is an excellent day to set goals of serving
others and answering the prayer of someone in need. I know that as we put forth
an effort to do so, “God [will provide] a means that man, through faith, might
work mighty miracles; therefore [we become] a great benefit to [our] fellow
beings” (Mosiah 8:18).
Sunday, January 15, 2017
To my dear friends and family.
It has now been 5 weeks since the return home from
serving the people of Mexico City. What an extraordinary experience full of
blessings, miracles, and (of course) adventures! My heart longs to be with the
family and friends I now have in Mexico -- people who taught me more than I could
ever teach them -- but it is so wonderful to be home with you all! We have just
enjoyed “the most wonderful time of the year” celebrating the birth of our
Savior, Jesus Christ, with those we love, as well as ringing in a new year.
Now, after having enjoyed the festivities that come with Christmas and New
Year’s Day, we are left to move forward into the unknown. Beginning a new year
is always a daunting task and can leave us with a feeling of longing to go back
to the joys of the Christmas Season. I have had similar feelings since returning
home from a mission. Let me share a few thoughts that I have had over the
course of this last week during my personal scripture study and the religion
course I am currently taking.
In the “Christ and the Everlasting Gospel” class I am
enrolled in this semester we read parts of Moses 1 found in “The Pearl of Great
Price” during the week. Something interesting that was discussed was the fact
that Moses, after having been in God’s presence and literally speaking with Him
face to face (verses 1-8) was then left to himself (verses 9-11). Almost
immediately after, the Adversary came to tempt him (verse 12). How difficult
that must have been to be in the presence of the Supreme Creator for a time and
then to be attacked by the enemy of all righteousness! Moses was hit with
tribulation so soon after a marvelous, faith promoting experience. Each one of
us has experienced something similar- returning to the “real world” after
serving a full time mission or going back to the daily routine of school and
work after a wonderful Christmas vacation. It may even be facing what lies
ahead after a particularly rich scripture study, temple visit, church meeting,
or General Conference session. When we feel that we are at our peak, something
comes that rocks us to the core and challenges us in such a way we have never
before experienced. I am grateful to know and understand (thanks to the
incredible lecture from my professor Brother G) that these trials are
meant for our good. This “equal and opposite reaction” of a difficulty
following an incredible experience is meant to teach and underscore the
contrast of such experiences; cultivate humility; and provide necessary growth
and progression. Moses experienced the power of the Savior when he called upon
His name to cast out Satan in Moses 1: 21 and recognized the grand difference
between these two beings. So it is with us if we will choose to call upon the
powers of heaven during difficult times.
It is a comfort to know that we will never be
abandoned if we hold true to what we know. One particular verse that captured
my attention this past week is found in Alma 4: 15 of “The Book of Mormon”.
Alma experienced great sorrow due to the sinful state of his people and the
persecution of the faithful; however, the last line of this verse reads, “nevertheless
the Spirit of the Lord did not fail him”. My dear friends, I know that as we
strive to do our best to remain steadfast and true to the Lord, His spirit will
never abandon us and we will be able to grow during the trials that come our
way. They are learning opportunities that bring us closer to our beloved Father
in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ.
I desire for each of you a wonderful week full of
peace and personal growth.
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