Guess what?! Two wonderful people were baptized on Saturday and confirmed yesterday :) The first new members to be baptized and confirmed in the casa de oración -- the future Rama Tlalpizahuac. It was such a special experience :) A little hectic getting everything ready but it all turned out so well. We held the baptism at 5:30 Saturday afternoon in the Izcalli/Ayotla Church building. All day beforehand my companion and I were making programs, buying stuff, and running around like crazy. About an hour before the servicio is when life got stressful. We get a call from Elder Olson and Elder Camarillo (they work in the Branch with us) who were going to perform the baptism, and help us with a musical number, saying that the Temple session they had entered with a person they taught started an hour and a half late...and they were just leaving. I contacted our zone leader Elder Rodriguez who came to the rescue and said he would baptize them for us (they were planning on coming anyways). Then we stopped by the house of a few Church members who helped us make hot chocolate and were going to go with us to buy a cake and plates etc. The four of us got in a taxi and my companion had the big pot of chocolate on her lap. About four minutes into the drive it started splashing all down her skirt. We got to the store and we did emergency divisions -- I went with one of the hermanas into the store and we set a record pace of grocery store shopping while my companion and the other hermana stayed outside with the blasted pot of hot chocolate. We got into another taxi, made it to the church, and found that the hermano who was going to help us with the TV and video, and officially welcome Luis and Dulce to the Branch, was not there. Also our ward mission leader informed us that the font was still filling up. Thankfully Luis and Miranda were there with their white clothes -- that was the most important part. Hermana Wolferts and Hermana Jonapa were there and they helped us out with the musical number. After some more running around, and phone calls, everything was ready. We took pics and started the servicio. It was so wonderful! The room was full of people there to support the family. Two youth spoke about baptism and the Holy Ghost, and right before the baptism ordinance we watched a two minute video from the Mormon Channel of the baptism of Jesus. The feeling in the room was amazing. Then Luis Antonio (12 years old) and Dulce Miranda (14 years old) were baptized. Their mom Abigail who has been with them during every lesson, and knows that this is all true, was there in the front row. At the end the Luis and Dulce shared their testimonies and their mom, choking on tears, gave the closing prayer. It was such a beautiful experience and the Spirit was there. It hit me that they were truly following the Savior in this moment. Yesterday they were confirmed members of the Church and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Both of their parents came for the first time and loved it. I am very excited for my companion to continue teaching them this next cycle and hopefully see them baptized as well. La Familia Matías Olivares has become so special to me. I have written their story in my journal. Tonight we are going to eat tamales with them :D It amazes me how much a missionary can come to care so much about somebody they have only known for 2 or 3 months. It is hard to fully describe all that has happened and how I have felt but, but I LOVE THESE PEOPLE. It is such a privilege and blessing to be here. Tomorrow I go to Neza. Super excited! :D
Hermana Jones
The pictures below are from the baptism of Luis and Dulce Miranda.
The couple on the right, Hermana Teo and Hermano Ernesto, put us in contact with the Matias Family. Their grandson, who is a friend of Luis, gave a talk and taught about the importance of the Holy Ghost.

This is us after district meeting (not everyone there) and with part of La Familia Mendoza Ramirez who feeds all eight of us every Sunday afternoon. It has been fun, also a little chaotic you could say, eating with six 20ish year old young men, but it's a good time. Awesome memories. Back from left to right -- Elder Vite from here in the D.F. who is one of my zone leaders, Elder Olson from Utah who will be at Utah State in 3 weeks who worked as an office secretary for almost a year of his mission, my companion, Elder Lynch from California who is my district leader, Elder Rodriguez from Argentina who is my other zone leader. Bottom row from left to right -- Elder Onofre from Ecuador who I started with in Oriental, Elder Camarillo who has lived in different parts of Mexico who was President Stutz's assistant for awhile and will be going to BYU this January, me, Hermana Angelica, and a few of her kids (they were baptized a little over a year ago).

Eating two minutes before it rained and we rushed everything inside.
Every Thursday night at 7 we have our coordination meeting with Hermano Juan, our ward mission leader, and a few other hermanos from the ward and sometimes a member from the bishopric. We always eat afterwards and take turns bringing the food. These last week, because Elder Olson and Elder Camarillo are finishing the mission and Elder Onofre and I have changes, we shared our testimonies and how we have felt working in this area. I have learned so much being here, mainly how to listen to the Spirit and follow it no matter what, especially when you don't understand why. It was very special.
My amazing district after a district meeting earlier in July.
P-day last week when we made carne asada and all that. I have realized that I need to learn how to cook. All of the Elders can cook better than me. Some of them worked as chefs. I burned water in President's house when I tried making spaghetti. I am pathetic.